Перевод: imports
[существительное] импортные товары; ввозимые товары
- This shortfall was not a new development, but the scale of rice imports rose sharply, increasing ninefold between 1840 and 1900.
- Even with oil accounting for only 35% of total demand, net imports of oil will still be over 400 million tonnes per year by the end of the century and including coal and gas imports the actual amount of energy imports will rise between 1983 and the year 2000 by some 200 million tonnes to represent 45% of consumption.
- If one country's chemical companies face tough standards for water discharges, that is no reason to penalise imports of chemicals from other countries that impose weaker standards.
- As capital was generated by French, Belgian, Dutch and British industrial power, so the new industrial middle classes began to demand luxury goods: the trade in furs from Poland and Russia improved massively and Manchester, which had previously exported cotton cloth and some Yorkshire manufactured woollen goods to Danzig in return for flax and hemp, now began to open up its own fur trade based on imports from the Baltic - Manchester's Danzig Street (which changed its name from Charter Street by residents' petition in the mid-1860s) commemorates the trade of this period.
- For example, in 1985 the steel industry, which relies on imports of both coking coal and iron ore, and which does not export enough to cover these requirements, made an agreement with the metal-working industry, which is a net exporter, to sell it 67 million of foreign exchange during the year.
- Five countries currently maintain national quotas on imports of Japanese cars -France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the UK.
- In order to do this, however, Britain must herself become in some degree protectionist and place tariffs on foreign imports of at least the things which the Dominions had to sell to her - above all, food, if not also raw materials.
- For some months, officials have been secretly creating their own stockpile of key materials that Britain imports, particularly from politically sensitive areas of the world, and which are important in keeping industry's engines running.
- He said depressed high street spending could reduce imports, while the recovery in North Sea oil output since the pipeline shutdowns earlier in the year should help boost exports.
- Thomas Cooper provided some basic calculations on the extent of demand for slaves in European colonies in the 1780s, what likely mortality was in Africa to supply the demand and estimates of total imports of slaves since the trade's commencement.
- In other words, over some differential range of prices for imports and domestically produced substitutes there was a low cross-price elasticity of demand.
- The EC is blocking pork and beef imports because it claims that American slaughterhouses are unsanitary; the Americans are blocking some wine imports because they have not tested a drug used in its production.
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