Перевод: inferno
[существительное] ад
- Forster's grotesque rubber mask nodded at the inferno.
- For in 1920, when Binyon began work towards his version of the Inferno , he exchanged letters with Hewlett, who had translated the first canto years before, and now urged Binyon to shorten his measure to tetrameters, pointing out that this was what he himself had done in his "Song of the Plough", a long poem in terza rima in which he had invested a great deal.
- Now, the Talleyrand-Perigords have, as their name implies, been mighty lords in Perigord since the early Middle Ages, and in the early poem "Near Perigord" Talleyrand is one of the powerful and menacing neighbours whom Bertrand de Born has to play off one against another, thus earning (so Pound's poem suggests) the title which Dante gives him in the Inferno , "sower of strife".
- The entrance was an inferno of petrol fires as flames flared and flickered across the water, sending a black column of heavy smoke mixed with the MLs' white smoke-screens slowly rolling north-west on the still night air above the wrecked boats.
- Dante, Inferno XIV
- Still chuckling, George led the way back through the glass door into the inferno.
- It is perfectly true that there is nothing conclusively in the poem to make us identify the first stair with Dante's Inferno , the second with his Purgatorio , the third with Paradiso ; as there is not (a more piercing uncertainty) anything to determine for us whether "the broadbacked figure drest in blue and green", with his "music of the flute", is an image of what must be renounced in order to achieve Paradise, or else an image of how terrestrial life can most nearly attain the paradisal.
- Outside of Pump, Reebok continues to launch new models onto the market - Boston, Inferno and Ventilator 2 - to complement all-time favourites such as the Trek, Rapide and Royale.
- And within six years, wanting to register (in The Criter - ion for 1934) the distinction of Binyon's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order, Pound found himself in the same situation, having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them:
- It is possible that a "fire storm" condition developed in the town, similar to that which occurred in several German cities during the last war, when saturation bombing raids started so many fires that the city became effectively one big fire, sucking into itself hurricane force winds to bring fresh oxygen to the heart of the inferno.
- To take a particular instance, Martin Amis's The Moronic Inferno , published in 1986, is a collection of reprinted journalistic pieces on life, literature, and culture in contemporary America, a country for which he has mixed feelings of attraction and repulsion.
- Man has to go through his personal exploration and final mastery of his inferno.
- In which case, the Ash factory, hutched in the bowels of the building was the Inferno.
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