Перевод: integral
[прилагательное] неотъемлемый; полный; существенный; целый; цельный; интегральный [мат.]; целочисленный; всеобъемлющий; встроенный; [существительное] интеграл [мат.] ; целое число
- Institutions must be considered within the general context of the industrial relations system of which they are an integral part given that the point of departure of international comparison cannot be an institution as such but must be the function it carries out.
- WUS and educational assistance to South Africa WUS International and WUS(UK) have a long history of supporting the efforts of the black majority of South Africans to overcome the educational discrimination which is an integral part of apartheid.
- The fiction that "the enemy" occupies the same space as our noisemaking seems integral to the pleasure people derive from noise, the significance they confer.
- The quality of "education in the round" is to be found at its most developed in the small village school where the teachers so often become an integral part of the community in which they work.
- "The central principle which guides our work is that the skills needed to find and use information must be introduced and reinforced across the curriculum, within the normal day-to-day practice of subject teaching, ie teaching information handling should become integral to the act of teaching itself, and not an isolated entity demanding separate curriculum space.
- With regard to the foundation on which his advocacy of the primacy was based, it can be summed up by saying that he thought it was an integral part of the rights of the church committed to his care, testified to by the living members of the community and the tradition which they inherited.
- A notable example of outside training and assistance from the educational sectors is to be found in a project which was run from the Department of Architecture and Building Science at the University of Strathclyde entitled "User Education in the construction industry; the development and promotion of a comprehensive teaching framework for information management as an integral part of construction course curricula.
- A Frenchman, who had arrived on the scene just too late to save the English girl's bag, pointed to an advert in a colour supplement for a company called grupo 4: SEGURIDAD INTEGRAL en MANOS PERUANOS (Complete security in Peruvian hands.)
- In pre-British times chena cultivation formed an integral part of the economy of many villages.
- "Assessment of effectiveness is not a "one-off" activity at the end of a training programme but is an integral part of the training system, with assessment of effectiveness being related back to original training needs and used in the compilation of future programmes.
- He does not see computers as a mere aid to teaching, but as an integral part of providing a child with Piagetian materials to learn with.
- It should normally be an integral part of a wide ranging personnel and employment policy consisting of other key strategies such as a no redundancy policy, fair promotion rules, pay for performance, common terms and conditions of employment, appeals procedure and so on.
- Since the social basis of theatre as a performing art is the group, collective activities and ensemble work form an integral part of the course.