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Перевод: interjection speek interjection

восклицание; междометие


  1. IN A SUDDEN and scathing interjection during yesterday's hearing, Lord Donaldson, Master of the Rolls, gave his view on the recent series of massive libel payouts by British juries, writes James Dalrymple.
  2. An angry interjection from the oldest Mrs Harper.
  3. In a guestroom or in a group of friends and kinsmen the characteristic devices of discussion were the pithy interjection and the rhetorical question.
  4. To our interjection that on the evidence from Poland and other European countries under Russian domination, applied Marxism had neither created the wealth nor allowed the freedom to enable the purpose, as it is perceived in the democratic west, of the State to be realised - that is, to provide the circumstances in which the individual may most fully live a life of his or her own and so fulfill his or her potential for awareness and creativity, he would reply that that perception was mistaken; and go on to remind us that he had attached supreme importance to the State.
  5. Here, Mrs Pettifer began to interject but the small gentleman silenced her with a flap of the wrist which was altogether not very gentlemanly and proved too much for the great lady detective who made a more purposeful interjection of her own.
  6. As the requirement to speak plainly replaced domestic allusiveness, and ordered paragraphs of thought replaced the one-sentence interjection, so people became more reticent.
  7. If I get the result I wanted there is consolidation rather than extension of my committee skills, but if I do not get the result I wanted then I have learned something and I form a new hypothesis about my next interjection strengthened by this new learning.
  8. Although the last sentence in that passage could be read as covering any demand for payment in purported reliance upon a statute Martin B. does relate it to a "service rendered" and the following interjection by him during argument, at p. 629, suggests that he was thinking of a demand colore officii in the sense referred to by Isaacs and Windeyer JJ.:
  9. interjection apparently meaning "Be quiet!"
  10. The illusion was shattered when someone turned the conversation with an interjection, laying out the assumptions of the speaker, imposing others which seemed as good or better.
  11. He treated Clarissa's interjection with particular scorn because he knew she thoroughly approved of the Prime Minister's contribution to peace.
  12. And it seemed to her that that broken line, I know not, oh, I know not, expressed a level of passion as high as any the English language could achieve; the interjection and the repetition and the archaic inversion were to her the exhaled breath of yearning.
  13. And with this interjection Aggie now beat her closed fist against the end of the settle as she added angrily, "If she had acted like the friend that she was supposed to be to the mother I wouldn't be faced with this lot tonight."

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