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Перевод: isolation speek isolation

изоляция ; уединение; оторванность


  1. She seems to have been wholly unaware that she was in fact queen of a kingdom with a justifiably high opinion of itself - so much so that it is actually supremely ironic that Mary, brought up in one of the greatest of European countries, should have found this one, smaller, but passionately European, so much less interesting and appealing than the kingdom of England, not only Scotland's traditional enemy, but already beginning the descent into the isolation which it was to maintain for much of the seventeenth century.
  2. Most of the time this isolation is what I seek, but today I just feel lonely.
  3. The poor mobility, fear of falling and resulting social isolation which is experienced by many older people, for example, could often be improved simply by better foot care and chiropody services.
  4. Her modesty preserves the image of Leapor developing in isolation, or, to borrow the pastoral language of the subscription proposal, as one who "could borrow no Helps from the Converse of her Country Companions
  5. In important respects, however, his longing was a self-deception, a poetically fruitful means of expressing that sense of loneliness and isolation which had been as much a part of him in Ottery as in London.
  6. Functions of personal social services cannot be considered, however, in isolation from the values which underpin the political, economic, and social systems, from which welfare departments derive their legitimacy.
  7. There's also the rugged remoteness of Dartmoor or the North Cornwall coast for those wanting real isolation.
  8. There must be an enormous sense of isolation, of being aware of being let down.
  9. My main solace is being able to write down (I expect no instant adoration) my feelings, isolation, experiences, attitudes, in prose or poetry on paper - a safety valve.
  10. If isolation lasts for long enough, they may become so different that, if they meet again, they behave as distinct species.
  11. Their isolation the same.
  12. It says alternative practitioners fail to diagnose potentially serious problems and cause further harm by recommending unhealthy diets, by reinforcing obsessional behaviour, and by encouraging social isolation.
  13. Once lying down, the patient may practise the movements needed to move into lying on his side and to get up out of bed: for these, he needs to be able to move his shoulder girdle, trunk and pelvis in isolation from each other.

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