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Перевод: knife speek knife

нож ; скальпель ; хирургическая операция; струг ; скребок ; резец ; зуб ;
резать ножом; ударить ножом; заколоть ножом; нанести предательский удар кандидату своей партии


  1. A ROBBER armed with a knife fled empty-handed after the cabby he was threatening refused to hand over his cash.
  2. 1 With the point of a sharp knife, make a hole through each slice of beef, near one edge.
  3. With a steel rule held firmly in position to guide a heavy-duty craft knife which is held at an angle, make a clean, bevelled cut between the pin holes to create the window.
  4. Athletics: Making of Superman II: Daley Thompson's air of invincibility was undermined by a fear of the knife.
  5. In Conrad Road, however, the man told the driver to stop, then produced a knife and demanded money.
  6. It's balanced on a knife edge.
  7. As his fingers gripped the knife and tugged, the blade sliced into his palm.
  8. If you are on a camping holiday and are stopped with a penknife or sheath knife on your belt and a rucksack on your back, most policemen would accept that you need the knife for camping.
  9. Helen (4.4): We need another knife - I've only got two and I need three.
  10. While dozing he had dreamed, and in the dream he had seen Buddie brandishing his long-bladed knife and passing like an avenging angel through crowds of jostling raucous birds in the turkey-pen.
  11. ha ha, well hard, ugh a knife in the back
  12. I have the files thieves, one who took a knife to a postmaster's throat, one who buggered a Pioneer intake class, one who caught his wife screwing the rent official and took off half her head with a hammer-he should work well.
  13. The boy picked up the knife and was about to cut into the cake when he stopped.

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