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Перевод: mandolin speek mandolin



  1. He sang and played mandolin and flute on their short tour and on another John Peel session (their seventh) in May 1989.
  2. It was a big stone, not round, but elongated and shaped rather like a mandolin.
  3. GIBSON A-5 mandolin, oval hole/twin point bracket, or copy; Epiphone, Aria or Kasuga preferred.
  4. Norbert Sprongel's Duo for Mandolin and Guitar must be, I suppose, slightly later (the notes are no help): the tone is generally more serious, though still Hindemith-with-Ribena rather than late Beethoven.
  5. I would love more people to be aware of the sometimes painfully beautiful music that Gl wrote, but (and I do no injustice to his shade) I wouldn't try to convince anyone of his stature on the basis of the music for mandolin and piano recorded here: it seems to have been composed for the sheer enjoyment of the players - well-tuned, amiable, and slightly unmemorable stuff.
  6. Keener's first record for Hyperion was 1980's "The Virtuoso Mandolin" with Keith Harris and pianist Leslie Howard.
  7. The Tuxedo discs begins with the rather pedestrian Preludio 2 by Raffaele Calace ("father of modern mandolin playing", according to the informative notes in the Amon Ra release, where more music by Calace, equally dull, is to be found; Tuxedo, by contrast, seems to have cut back on fees for notewriters).
  8. Hard on the heels of an Amon Ra disc of music for mandolin comes this much cheaper Tuxedo reissue (1978 recordings) of more modern repertoire for the instrument; they share only two Mozart settings for voice (in this recording that of the estimable Kurt Equiluz) and mandolin, here with the rather shy obbligato lute (as far as my ears can make out).
  9. He also taught the mandolin to four small girls and called them the Fairy Four .
  11. Gl was a consummate craftsman, and he wrote an enormous amount of music, not least for mandolin; indeed, a quick look at the catalogue compiled by his daughter Eva to celebrate his 95th birthday reveals no fewer than fifteen works involving that instrument.
  12. Try comparing a plucked note on a violin and on a mandolin and you will certainly notice the difference.

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