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Перевод: manhunt speek manhunt

полицейская облава; преследование


  1. What began as the trial of the century after the most expensive manhunt in US history, fizzled out in what prosecutors termed a simple drug conspiracy with the leading player working both sides of the street.
  2. Clark was named by police as they launched a manhunt following the bloodbath in the market town of Melksham, Wilts.
  3. Forensic experts searched the council-run home to help detectives in the manhunt and extra officers have been drafted in.
  4. The plot centres around an aristocratic sportsman who in turn becomes the subject of a manhunt: he is alone against the world, but we are with him through every breathless paragraph.
  5. PRESIDENT Corazon Aquino yesterday called for tough sentences against coup leaders while the military launched a big manhunt to track down those still at large.
  6. Nora calculated that there must be lots of single men up there so she decided it was ideal for the "manhunt", as we called it, even though the train fare was a serious consideration.
  7. Then more Chelsea players joined in the manhunt for Simpson.
  8. Any news on the manhunt?"
  9. Everything was working out well: security and police chiefs on the Continent had been alerted; the whole apparatus of WS C was looking for Tweed under Morgan's iron hand; and now he had Marler in the manhunt.
  10. He is believed to have been one of two armed men who last month hijacked a police car, prompting a manhunt over three Irish counties.
  11. The military said it had launched a big manhunt for army coup leaders who escaped when their men surrendered.
  12. Seale, 45, who was arrested after a massive manhunt, yesterday admitted extortion, conspiracy, and possessing weapons.
  13. It stars John Malkovich and Gary Sinise as two itinerant workers who become the object of a vicious manhunt.

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