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Перевод: manna speek manna

манна ; манна небесная; манник


  2. Some try to keep some manna overnight early in the week.
  3. The taste of manna has gone sour on them.
  4. The story of the manna and the quails is combined with an account of Moses sharing some of his power and his duties with seventy of the elders of the people.
  5. This was manna for the banks.
  6. We cannot simply remove it from Numbers 11 and put it aside, for it has been too closely intertwined with the giving of manna and quails.
  7. Immediately after this story comes that of the giving of the manna, and immediately after that another concerning their complaining about a lack of water (17.1-;7).
  8. Silk Slippers may not enable Sangster to challenge the Arab supremacy, but an English Classic success after a five-year gap would come like manna from heaven.
  9. Aldershot's defence were as square and ragged as a new intake of squaddies having their first stab at the right dress, the gifts they distributed coming like manna from heaven to a team who had managed just two goals in their first nine games.
  10. "Blessed be he that invented pudding, for it is a manna" as the often quoted late-17th-century French visitor, Monsieur Misson, rhapsodised in a letter home.
  11. The gift of manna in Exodus 16 is pure miracle.
  12. When the Israelites go out to gather it, each of them gathers exactly the right amount for himself and his family; on the sixth day of the week a double portion is given and collected so that the sabbath rest can be properly kept; on the sabbath, appropriately, no manna appears at all; while any kept at the end of any of the first five days goes bad overnight, the half of the sixth day's gathering put aside for the sabbath keeps perfectly fresh.
  13. Quails are mentioned at one point, but this story is otherwise concerned with the gift of manna.

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