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Перевод: marmoset speek marmoset

обезьянка ; мартышка


  1. The marmoset mother produces twins or occasionally, in the laboratory, triplets.
  2. Of the species observed, the canopy liane, Combretum fruticosum (Combretaceae), was seen to be visited by primates including the pygmy marmoset, while the tree, Quararibea cordata (Bombacaceae), was visited by large primates, opossums and kinkajous.
  3. The other two mammal species which bred for the first time were a pair of Geoffroy's marmoset which had one youngster, and the cheetah female, Angie, who produced four cubs.
  4. My point is not to argue about the sex life of the marmoset.
  5. The manic marmoset And oor
  6. sent me scampering like a marmoset

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