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Перевод: marmot speek marmot



  1. And nor is there now, he might have added, because William was obsessed with the idea that it might happen again; that it might be happening now, the next chance encounter between the marmot and the rat - or whatever their modern equivalent.
  2. For chaos was the natural state and there could be no protection against the chance encounter of the Manchurian marmot and the black rat."
  3. Maybe, as William strongly suspected, this first communion between the rat and the marmot had not been without violence and rattus rattus , being the little fucker he was, had savagely copulated with the small, pretty, squirrel-like creature - and then torn her throat out.
  4. Hibernation in the marmot, hamster and hedgehog depends on more complex physiological adaptations, and some can drop their basal metabolic rate to as low as one per cent of their most active level.
  5. "Once upon a time," he would begin his lectures, "in the remote marches and forests of Central Asia, near a lake called Issyk-Koul in the province of Semiriechinsk, there lived a small, pretty squirrel-like creature called the Marmot"
  6. The Marmot and the Black Rat
  7. Maybe after a few thousand years of marmot for breakfast, dinner and tea they fancied a change.
  8. (Photograph of a marmot, if possible.)
  9. He was interested in the story of the Manchurian marmot.
  10. The plague bacillus, known by the Latin name Yersinia pestis, was carried on marmot skins by fur traders travelling along the old Silk Road from the East.
  11. Between 1965 and 1986, life expectancy in Japan rose by 7 years for men and eight years for women, said Professor Michael Marmot, of University College and Middlesex School of Medicine, and Dr George Davey Smith, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
  12. A number of studies (Marmot 1975 and others) have shown markedly reduced rates of coronary heart disease in Japan compared to the United States.
  13. My friend had a leopard skin and I had a coney seal with a mink marmot collar and cuffs.

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