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Перевод: mature speek mature

зрелый; спелый; развитой; вполне развитый; выдержанный (о вине); выношенный; продуманный; обдуманный; тщательно обдуманный; тщательно продуманный; подлежащий оплате; созревший; готовый;
взрослеть; созреть; вполне развиться; доводить до зрелости; вылежаться; доводить до полного развития; созревать; наступать


  1. That I myself was hardly any more mature than he, was beside the point: I had no very high opinion of people who claimed to be mature adults.
  2. Mature bulls stand 142-;147cm at the withers and weigh 1,000-;1,320kg, and cows are 130-;137cm and 635-;735kg.
  3. Each fat little grub is a creamy colour with a brown "head" and, when nearly mature, is about a centimetre long and curled in a "C" -shape.
  4. The defensive instinct must be allowed to mature slowly, like a good wine.
  5. So very early in a horse's life it establishes eating habits, and the horse may be very reluctant to change these habits when it is mature.
  6. I own, the leaves, acorns, and especially the cups, are very material in ascertaining the different species of our Oaks; yet the description of the bark, and form of growth, are useful helps, in our mature Oaks.
  7. The sort of shade I mean is the dappled shade cast by mature apple trees and maples or by the high branches of an oak.
  8. A mature man, Henry speaks with style and wit about the art of playwriting to his wife (who is prepared to listen!).
  9. Outside, the gardens have been laid out in the Italian style, with wide staircases from level to level, which should look spectacular when more mature.
  10. As the flowers mature they pass from one to another.
  11. These courses have allowed two groups of mature students whose education was inadequate and disrupted to study science from pre-GCSE to degree or HND level.
  12. MATURE AGONY AUNT seeks uncomplicated relationship with anyone male or female, age unimportant, everything unimportant, but please no critics.
  13. Forest of Arden is uniquely located in a mature parkland setting surrounded by two 18 hole golf courses and offering a comprehensive range of conference and leisure facilities.

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