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Перевод: mausoleum speek mausoleum



  1. And the corpse in the holiest of Communist Holy Places, the Red Square mausoleum, was hurriedly removed from Lenin's side.
  2. To the half seen mausoleum
  3. (c) Mausoleum and temple The mausoleum is huge and majestic, with 20 columns encircling a rotunda.
  4. The Mausoleum was a major structure commissioned by the Mausolus dynasty, consisting of a white marble building surmounted by a series of large sculptured figures and with extensive use of decorative sculpted friezes in the architecture.
  5. Perhaps the most extreme flight from Christian tradition is the mausoleum erected in the cemetery at Mortlake, Surrey, to the memory of the explorer, Sir Richard Burton (1821-;90).
  6. Once installed, he wrote, it will start to do its work, and it will go on doing it, in the day-time, in the night-time, in the midst of visitors and in the empty silence, when the mausoleum is open to the public and when the mausoleum is closed to the public.
  7. Castle Howard Mausoleum (prominent round classical building) is visible on skyline with (smaller) temple to right of it (c).
  8. After touring the mausoleum, the peasant returns and again asks where he can find Mao alive.
  9. Don't miss the Mausoleum of Mohammed V.
  10. "This mound is a mausoleum," Erika said.
  11. But the most intriguing thing is the Beata Electa Chapel which doubles as a mausoleum and grotto.
  12. The most outstanding decorative element of the Mausoleum was the series of massive free-standing sculptures arranged high up on the podium of the monument, executed in fine marble.

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