Перевод: menstruation
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- The way in which I wish to approach the subject and discuss the notion of gendered blood, as it were, in these two rituals is by means of a socially constructed opposition between culture and nature - circumcision being deemed the work of (superior) culture and menstruation the functioning of (inferior) nature.
- Penelope Shuttle and Peter Redgrove, in their book, The Wise Wound , show how the taboos surrounding menstruation in western culture are just as oppressive (perhaps even more so) as those of religious structures which lay down washing rituals.
- The Christian Church is alone in no longer having prescribed ritual to do with childbirth and menstruation.
- For Christianity menstruation becomes the "curse", the ratification of women's subjugated status as punishment for her primal sin as daughters of the primal woman Eve, who lost paradise for humankind and caused evil to come into the world.
- Formal, and informal, taboos around menstruation to some extent continued, but the ritual of male circumcision was abandoned - a fascinating development given the significance and purpose of the ritual and one that looks, at first glance, like a clean break with the past to facilitate the future and the expansion of Christianity (see, for example, Acts 10-;11, 15; Romans 4; Gal.
- Unlike the laws of menstruation and childbirth, it had never been as intimately linked to cultic activity/purity and so no recasting was required following the events of 70 AD.
- Regarding the social differentiation between the sexes, this conceptual schematization can result (and I stress that this is just one possibility, and one which admirably serves the needs of patriarchy) in women being perceived as closer to nature in consequence of the biological facts of childbirth and menstruation (or rather, a particular cultural interpretation thereof), whilst men, who are deemed to lack such a cycle of visible creativity (and who have other aspects of their own equally natural physiology denied), are placed within the realm of culture, manipulating their own social and political existence, and transcending the passive forces of nature.
- Girdwood's essay was in response to those who believed menstruation to be a peculiarly human phenomenon.
- In some traditional communities, even as late as the early 1930s, unmarried girls were married off within a month or so after their first menstruation; until then, they were kept hidden inside their homes.
- For Christian silence on the subject, combined with our nineteenth-century medical heritage, has resulted in a culture where menstruation is to be treated as a problem or ignored altogether.
- At precisely the same time as circumcision and the blood of circumcision was receiving this new casting and additional dimension, legislation about female blood - i.e. the blood of menstruation and childbirth - appeared for the first time on the scene.
- There is exploration of rituals for childbirth, for menarche or first menstruation, for monthly menstruation and for menopause.
- And indeed, it is surely the case that menstruation is a profound event, the other side of ovulation, the balance to fertility as well as the mark of it.
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