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Перевод: microscope speek microscope



  1. His entry was produced with a Cambridge microscope and magnified 130.
  2. Microscope study of stone axes
  3. The process of examining thin sections is a painstaking and laborious one, since each slide has to be viewed individually under a microscope and various aspects of appearance judged and recorded.
  4. With non-gonococcal urethritis there may be an equal pus-cell response with the difference that there are no pathogenic organisms to be found under the microscope.
  5. The technique was made possible by the use of the scanning tunnelling microscope which allows researchers to look at individual atoms on a surface.
  6. Most foraminiferans require a microscope for their study.
  7. Spot analysis by microprobe or EDX analysis (see glossary) in a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (see glossary) can detect the solder points by the minor changes in composition.
  8. The dense bodies (250-;300 nm), so-called because of the electron-dense opaque internal content when visualized with the electron microscope, are the storage sites for 5-hydroxytryptamine, adenine nucleotides, calcium and pyrophosphate (Holmsen Weiss, 1979).
  9. Photography via the microscope enables everyone to see the same view, and minute movements, e.g. phagocytosis of a bacterium by a white blood cell can be seen in motion and therefore be more easily remembered.
  10. When the sheet is examined in the electron microscope filaments are seen to be localized at the upper surface.
  11. There are several approaches, the first being study at high magnification using an optical microscope or scanning electron microscope (SEM) (see glossary).
  12. Indeed, when he left, the students presented Mayhew with a microscope so that he could carry on "with his investigations of structures, a subject of vast importance, but hitherto untaught and little known in the Veterinary College".
  13. Cells cannot normally be seen without a microscope, being about one-thousandth of a millimetre in diameter.

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