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Перевод: mucilage speek mucilage

слизь ; растительный клей; клейкое вещество


  1. (Sterculiaceae) and seeds are soaked overnight today by humans and used as a febrifugal mucilage.
  2. fresh leaves, dried leaves or flowers, contain mucilage and used as emollient, in connection with coughs of all kinds including asthmatic, catarrh and other respiratory conditions, mildly sedative
  3. Thus, mammals have cilia in their lungs which remove dust, and mussels have cilia on their gills which shift a stream of mucilage which in turn traps nutritious detritus.
  4. Particles of grit will adhere to the mucilage and make grit easy to remove
  5. Uranium, calcium and vanadium were precipitated as a fine platy mineral (possibly liebigite) associated with the mucilage around the filamentous masses.
  6. It seems a more unlikely plant than most to be a herb, but the whole of it, leaves, stems etc., consist of about 30 per cent mucilage, and this has a great number of medicinal applications, known for many centuries.

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