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Перевод: mucous speek mucous



  1. Dryness of mucous membranes
  2. These are specially designed to cradle the fish securely in a comfortable position without wiping away a great deal of their protective mucous.
  3. These cells are specialized sensory neurones embedded in a mucous membrane, each of which connects directly with the brain by means of a single long nerve fibre.
  4. He referred unashamedly to certain usages, as recommended by Errol Flynn: "The property of the drug is that it inflames the mucous membranes, such as those in a lady's genital regions.
  5. Redness - bright, shiny red skin especially of face, mucous membranes etc.
  6. Dryness of mucous membranes, from lips to anus.
  7. These include sulphur oxyfluorides, sulphur dioxide, and sulphur tetrafluoride, which react with water in the body's mucous membranes to form other acidic compounds that can damage the lungs.
  8. Strong affinity for catarrhal states of mucous membrane
  9. Any strong chemicals, if allowed to come into contact with the urethral mucous membrane, which is very sensitive, may set up an irritative urethritis.
  10. infection of skin an-; mucous membrane by direct contact, e.g. certain skin diseases, conjunctivitis, infective foot disorders, sexually-transmitted diseases
  11. Direct contact is most likely to lead to infection of the skin, conjunctiva or mucous membrane.
  12. In the majority of cases, where intercourse has taken place in the "missionary position" (woman lying on her back, man on top) the natural eversion of the anal mucous membrane during intercourse has brought this sensitive skin into contact with the moisture (in which the gonococcus can be found in quantity) produced by both male and female as a result of their sexual exertions.
  13. They have easy bleeding and bruising too; catarrhal complaints may be with inflamed mucous membranes which bleed easily.

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