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Перевод: muff speek muff

неумелый; нескладный;
муфта ; гильза ; ошибка ; промах ; неудача ; нескладный человек; неумелый человек; глуповатый человек; шляпа ; мазила ;
портить; путать; делать кое-как; промахнуться; промазать


  1. I have not seen any roller blinds for some years, but it is possible to blank off most of the radiator grill during the winter either with a radiator muff or a piece of aluminium behind the grill and not overheat the engine.
  2. I've got a Small Stone phaser, a really old silver-coloured Big Muff fuzzbox, and a truly weird thing called The Zipper, which is like an early touch-wah.
  3. Surreptitiously, her hand hidden within the furry confines of her muff, Anne made the sign of the cross.
  4. I can't muff it, Jeanie."
  5. Muff
  6. The last resort of the habitual pessimists is to admit that Hungary's opportunities are great, but that the government is bound to muff them.
  7. 12 Muff Glen Wood
  8. "You had a muff, as a child, and matching bonnet, from a sealskin coat of your Aunt Fosters."
  9. My muff under my muff!
  10. She held the lead in her gloved hands; behind her was Selene, with hers protected by a muff.
  11. Eglinton lies on the main Limavady Londonderry Road (A27), Muff Glen is one mile from Eglinton.
  12. I sometimes stimulate myself under my muff.

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