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Перевод: mulch speek mulch

мульча [с.-х.] ;


  1. I now use Dug, a decomposed poultry manure from Pelco, when planting and give an annual mulch of bark to the acid areas and spent mushroom compost to the rest; it improves the body of my sandy soil and also works magnificently as a weed suppressor if put on thick enough.
  2. A tree that goes in a chipper as a 7ft, 20lb pine comes out as a pile of fragrant mulch that can be carried away in a small box to be used in parks or gardens.
  3. A thick mulch of mushroom compost round the crowns is beneficial.
  4. On dry soils, mulch annually around the plants to retain what moisture there is, and remember to water regularly if they are overhung by a tree, fence or wall and hence miss out on rainfall.
  5. The mulch went on this year in March (together with the Growmore, as ever), and only the keenest weeds have managed to struggle through.
  6. The least expensive method is to root your own cuttings from one or two stock plants, inserting groups of three cuttings at each planting position through a black polythene mulch.
  7. Remove spent tomato plants as soon as possible and put the old compost on the garden as a mulch; don't save it for using again next year.
  8. Many cities run the trees through chippers, paying for the operation by selling the mulch or using it in public parks.
  9. Christmas tree goes to mulch.
  10. Then you get all the mulch for free that your park departments would have to pay for.
  11. They're making mischief in my mulch
  12. I use forest bark and cocoa shell mulch on two flower beds to help control weeds.
  13. Once the planting has been done, cover the soil with a thick mulch of crushed bark, peat or leaf mould, which will gradually break down into the soil and help to improve its texture.

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