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Перевод: mustache speek mustache



  1. You're absolutely right, mon vieux, said the French boy, gravely twirling his mustache again.
  2. He smiled and twirled one end of his black mustache in a little gesture of bravado, and the Americans laughed again.
  3. The girl was dark- haired with an attractive but serious face; the man was painfully innocent, his handlebar mustache and slicked-down hair with its sharp parting at odds with his handsome features.
  4. Claude Duclos wiped the champagne froth from his mustache with the back of his hand and refilled their glasses.
  5. He had noticed the eyes of one or two French matrons stray wistfully to the tall, spectacularly handsome figure of his brother, and as the rickshaws bowled on side by side he darted a glance at him and decided it must be his new blond mustache that set him apart.
  6. Already he sported a blond mustache that was a passable imitation of the older man's, and he twisted a strand or two of it between finger and thumb as he shot a comic grimace of pain in Joseph's direction to convey his discomfort at the extravagant declaration of faith in him.
  7. Tall, ruddy-faced and tending to corpulence in his early forties, he had about him the self-satisfied air of a man who has already achieved some measure of public acclaim; he wore his thick shock of fair hair brushed across his forehead from a centre parting in two matching wings, and his upper lip was thatched with a fashionably luxuriant mustache.

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