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Перевод: muzzle speek muzzle

морда ; рыло; намордник ; дуло; дульный срез; жерло; сопло; насадок ; респиратор ; противогаз ;
надевать намордник; заставить молчать


  1. Muzzle
  2. "Why, here's Mr Honeysett's old Bess," she said, bending down to stroke the dog's muzzle.
  3. The colour of the head should be lighter than that of the body but mottled (not wholly white) and with dark "eyebrows" and some brown colouring around the muzzle.
  4. The British White's colour pointing is usually black, though occasionally red or dark brown, and is on the inside of the ears, the nose and muzzle, the eyelids, teats and feet, with a splash of colour on the front of the fetlocks and sometimes mottled flecking or freckling on the shoulders, head and body.
  5. The two pieces are impressively realistic and, apart from a missing muzzle on one of the bucks, in an almost flawless state of preservation.
  6. The muzzle itself is pinkish grey and fairly broad, the ears quite large and the high-set eyes prominent with a docile expression.
  7. The muzzle is dark, the skin lightly pigmented, the broad head of medium length, the white or yellow black-tipped horns curving outwards and forwards.
  8. Two small fists appeared gripping the far end of the long handle, and Sam Kettle's grimy muzzle thrust itself into the room.
  9. Muzzle 'em - by law if necessary.
  10. A Pit Bull Terrier has been sentenced to death by magistrates, because her owner loosened her muzzle to allow her to drink from a puddle in the street.
  11. In 1834 it was described as red like the Devon with a golden nose, long silky hair, prominent eyes, wide forehead, fairly wide muzzle, small dewlap, rather thin forelegs of moderate length and a barrel-shaped body; the average oxen of the time weighed up to 545kg with some up to 725kg.
  12. Miss Bedwelty cried out, and as Hoomey's tugging proved ineffectual she crossed over and gave Bones a severe slap across the muzzle, raising his head to receive an aggrieved stare.
  13. The dogs grew noisy with excitement, and each wire door was now filled with the pressed muzzle of an anxious face.

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