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Перевод: nephritis speek nephritis

нефрит [мед.]


  1. "2,335 of nephritis and nephrosis
  2. He had contracted acute nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys - together with high blood pressure, and his face, feet and ankles became very swollen.
  3. For instance, treatments are listed for such conditions as suppurative pneumonia, cerebral oedema and purulent nephritis, obviously requiring highly skilled veterinary care and sometimes remedies at the highest potencies.
  4. The underlying renal diseases in this group were glomerulonephritis in 11 (50%) patients, obstructive nephropathy in 4 (18%), and 3 (13%) cases each of hypertensive nephrosclerosis and chronic interstitial nephritis, and 1 patient with bilateral renal-artery stenosis.
  5. SIR - Details of the mysterious respiratory illness mentioned by Nelson (June 12, p 1526) among Navajo Indians are at present sparse, but the symptoms are reminiscent of those described early in the course of an "acute nephritis" which occurred with trench warfare in the First World War.
  6. When undertaken, renal biopsy has usually shown interstitial nephritis, although minimal change nephropathy has been reported.
  7. Clinical presentation has been with acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, or renal failure.
  8. Characteristics of the three patient groups are shown in table I. The causes of renal failure in the ARF group were acute tubular necrosis in 15 (75%) patients, haemolytic-uraemic syndrome in 2 (10%), rapidly progressive nephritis in 2 (10%), and renal-vein thrombosis in 1 patient.
  9. Patients with ARF due to medical causes, such as rapidly progressive nephritis, should be transferred quickly to the care of a nephrologist so that rapid diagnosis can be made and treatment instigated to obtain the maximum possible renal recovery, whereas such urgent transfer would be inappropriate in cases of CRF.
  10. It has been proposed by several workers that trench nephritis was caused by hantavirus, although the classic descriptions from the First World War do not tally closely with the variants of hantavirus infection that have been described in the past 40 years.
  11. Acute interstitial nephritis and nephrotic syndrome have been reported but evidence of chronic nephropathy is lacking.
  12. A virulent attack of nephritis prevented Chesterton from further action at the front, and he died 6 December 1918 in Wimereux, near Boulogne, France.
  13. It's not easy, as he explains to Felicity, to sign your support for the Black Death, when you have previously expressed your opposition to nephritis, nephrosis, and heart disease.

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