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Перевод: oceanographic speek oceanographic



  1. As an incentive to preserving wrecks, court awards to conscientious salvagers often approach the total value of the treasure, according to , an expert on marine policy for the Woods Hole (Massachusetts) Oceanographic Institute.
  2. The project, carried out in collaboration with the nearby Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, set out to determine the levels affecting aluminium levels in the local river system.
  3. British Oceanographic Vessels 1800-;1950
  4. The society is at present having a book sale, offering British Oceanographic Vessels at the reduced price of 9, and it therefore seems appropriate to mention the volume at this time.
  5. Sites must be chosen for geological stability, and oceanographic and biological inactivity.
  6. Fortunately, however, a few weeks before I found it I attended a lecture given by a Dr Peter Herring, of an oceanographic research institute based in Godalming, on the subject of marine bioluminescence.
  7. However, in 1969, a large-scale American project, JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutions Deep Earth Sampling) was able to confirm it, in the course of a programme of drilling into the deep ocean floors to sample the rocks and sediments there.
  8. On page 42 we will see the significance of this in helping to generate one of the world's most important oceanographic and climatological phenomena, the warm southern ocean current known as El Nio.
  9. It was also in 1956 that Teller and scientists from the Massachussetts Institute of Technology assembled at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Cap Cod, to solve the problem of firing a nuclear missile from a submerged, and virtually invulnerable, submarine.
  10. Yet, by Party-State criteria, this represents an intelligent use of scarce resources (as does use of the merchant, fishing and oceanographic fleets to furnish 70 per cent of the Navy's supplies at sea).
  11. The author has compiled a comprehensive illustrated history of vessels involved in oceanographic research stretching over 150 years, and appearing in alphabetical order of the name by which they were known while carrying out their work.
  12. While I cannot say for certain that the aquarium located at the Oceanographic Institute, Monaco boasts this title, it does contain some stunning displays of tropical freshwater and marine fish and is well worth a visit.
  13. Nevertheless, American companies are interested, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the US and the French national centre for ocean exploration are systematically exploring the mid-Pacific ridge.

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