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Перевод: ocular speek ocular

окулярный; глазной; наглядный;


  1. But the answer to this riddle is that they have a receptor, most probably in the brain, that enables light detection to bypass normal, ocular channels.
  2. Ocular drug delivery
  3. Louis Castel exploited the analogy between light and sound with his "Ocular clavichord" and Goethe explored subjective colours.
  4. The existence of this group of organisms was first suspected by two unpronounceable German scientists in 1907, who gave their names to the Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies seen inside ocular cells infected by the agent which causes trachoma.
  5. creating a polymer film at the air-tear interface which supports or drags a layer of water along with it as it spreads out over the ocular surface with each blink.
  6. For it was not pure ocular seeing, or I should have seen her as a girl of the age which I have now reached.
  7. New drug delivery systems could make use of the interactive facility of the ocular glycoproteins and the corneal surface to prolong the retention of, and thereby the bioavailability of, drugs.
  8. This material shows the potential advantages of hydrogel IOLs, which are now used extensively in ocular applications.
  9. Another approach to ocular drug delivery is to insert a solid polymer device beneath the lid.
  10. Ocular proof.
  11. This figure may suggest colour by ocular diffraction.
  12. The high viscosity of these solutions keeps them in the eye longer, while the polymer itself is intended to mimic the ocular mucins (glycoproteins), a deficiency of which is often the cause of dry eye symptoms, and promote tear film stability.
  13. Another area of interest is that of using synthetic polymers for sustained ocular drug delivery.

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