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Перевод: odometer speek odometer

одометр ; курвиметр


  1. Thus the effect of the odometer reading had not been sufficiently neutralised.
  2. Odometer readings are of course notoriously unreliable as a guide to the distance travelled by the car.
  3. WALKING SPEEDS (M.P.H.) - Walk for one mile along the route you have previously measured with the car's odometer and time yourself.
  4. On the other hand is the car dealer who "clocks" the odometer himself and then displays the car for sale.
  5. Norman v. Bennett was in fact concerned with an inaccurate odometer reading where there was a written disclaimer which was, however, not as bold, precise and compelling as the odometer reading.
  6. Although there are in sections 24 and 25 some general defences (i. e. available in relation to any offence under the Act), they have not in the odometer type of case always proved a reliable line of defence.
  7. On the one hand is the car dealer who buys and displays for sale a car which someone else has previously "clocked," i. e. turned back the odometer.
  8. Thus at a car auction a categoric and clear oral disclaimer announced by the auctioneer immediately before he accepts bids on a particular car could lie an effective disclaimer in relation to the odometer reading on that car and in that case the disclaimer would protect both the auctioneer and the vendor.
  9. Nevertheless the defendant was acquitted, for he was on the occasion in question selling the car to another experienced car dealer who well knew from past dealings that the defendant did not guarantee the accuracy of odometer readings on his cars.
  10. An oral disclaimer can suffice provided that it is bold and compelling enough to neutralise the effect of the odometer reading.
  11. Alternatively, some bicycles have an odometer on them which you could use in the same way.
  12. You will need to gauge the distances covered so the best way is to take a car ride around your proposed route and use the odometer to measure the distance between familiar landmarks.

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