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Перевод: outburst speek outburst

взрыв ; вспышка ; волнения ; выход [геол.]


  1. The rising in Scotland provoked an outburst of loyalty amid King George's English supporters, including at least one set of verses denouncing the rebel leader:
  2. Informed sources say that Mr Major was informed "rather late" when much of the Thatcher outburst had already been drafted by Charles Powell, her private secretary, who had accompanied her to the weekend retreat of Lankawi.
  3. All at once she began to scream, turning her tiny head away, and Peg bounced her against her shoulder with soothing murmurs until the outburst ceased.
  4. After Mrs Clinton's outburst in print, the campaign promises to become increasingly dirty.
  5. Serrano's Piss Christ (which he termed "a protest against the commercial invasion of sacred images") brought an outburst which continues to this day.
  6. On one occasion he suffered an uncontrollable "outburst" during his sleep and reckoned it cost him a masterpiece the next morning.
  7. Mr Moran resisted what must have been considerable temptation to rebuke Grobbelaar in a manner similar to Mr Souness's outburst after the recent defeat at Sheffield United.
  8. I couldn't possibly know, but that outburst, understandable as it was, greatly disturbed me.
  9. The reluctance of pet-owners to be "educated" has led to an outburst of sterilisation schemes.
  10. She thought what an undecided old fool Phoebe was, but it made her outburst at the Frolic all the more courageous.
  11. Corbett gently led the conversation on to the late King and was surprised at the outburst he drew.
  12. The doctor seemed almost embarrassed by her own outburst, but Phoebe was relieved.
  13. The whingeing, as they see it, that takes place in the British press angers many West Indians, as Viv Richards demonstrated with his outburst in Antigua during the last Test of 1989-;90.
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