o oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi ok ol om on oo op or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz

Перевод: oxide speek oxide

окись [хим.] ; оксид [хим.] ; окисел


  1. Restoration of remaining retort houses, laboratory, governor room, meter house, washers and oxide shed.
  2. In cases where both men and women have been regularly exposed to it at work, nitrous oxide has been linked to a high rate of miscarriages.
  3. A processing plant at Gwithian will extract from the mud tin oxide which, over the centuries, has channelled out to sea as waste from mines New Scientist 21 April, p 159).
  4. They called the islands of Great Britain "the Cassiterides" - from which was derived the name for tin oxide, cassiterite.
  5. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (cmos) circuits save power, allowing designers to put more circuits on a chip.
  6. Half of Renison Goldfields Consolidated of Australia which produces not only gold but also tin, copper and the raw material for making titanium oxide.
  7. This was made up by the Head Girl mixing together oxide of zinc, glycerine, rosewater, a touch of yellow ochre and methylated spirits, the latter helping to dry it on the legs.
  8. XRD is able to identify the metal sulphide used to make the niello and to distinguish it from the metal and from the oxide, chloride and carbonate corrosion products which contaminate the sample.
  9. The Government gave way in 1988, then went back on deal to cut nitrous oxide emissions by 30 per cent.
  10. Tiny particles of uranium oxide, containing radioactive isotopes of caesium, strontium and plutonium, had been scattered in their millions over the surrounding countryside.
  11. As the increasing number of cars will mean that, collectively, their emissions will remain substantial, it seems unlikely that a dramatic reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions can be expected.
  12. One measure of how the dangers of plutonium are assessed is the Japanese plan to build an 88 million coastguard vessel to escort shipments of plutonium oxide from the Sellafield reprocessing plant in Cumbria for use in its prototype fast reactor at Monju.
  13. Often, the tin oxide would be very thinly scattered within the lode and possibly mixed up with other minerals such as quartz, tourmaline and chlorite.

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