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Перевод: Pentateuch speek Pentateuch

Пятикнижие [рел.]


  1. No one can read the Pentateuch and conclude that justice is just concerned with private property and the rule of law.
  2. The Jewish people regarded what we now have as the Old Testament to be the World of God and acknowledged three categories or divisions: (1) The writings of Moses known as the " Pentateuch" (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy); (2) The Psalms; (3) The Prophets.
  3. On two known occasions the Lord Jesus Christ clearly acknowledged His agreement to the view that Moses wrote the Pentateuch.
  4. Even though the idea of community was so strong in the Pentateuch and even though society was organised along tribal lines, it is important to notice that property rights were not communal, they were private.
  5. We rarely see the Old Testament as a whole and little attention is paid to the system of political economy which is set up under divine instruction in the Pentateuch.
  6. Although the structure which is presented is an ideal - similar indeed to the Ten Commandments, nevertheless in the same way that the Ten Commandments are relevant to our legal system so the principles which underlie the Pentateuch are relevant to economic life - principally because they express universal truth.
  7. But even if you are convinced that David wrote the Psalms and Moses write the Pentateuch there are still a lot of other books in the Old Testament.
  8. It is evident from even the most cursory reading of the Hebrew Bible, in particular the Five Books of Moses (the Pentateuch), that blood, mentioned in this passage several times and with various significances, played an all-important role in the ancient Jewish belief system.
  9. According to legend the Pentateuch was written by Moses just as the Psalms were written by David.
  10. What follows in the rest of Exodus and the Pentateuch and indeed throughout the remainder of the Old Testament is of interest on two counts.
  11. However in the Pentateuch the base number is seven.
  12. As a result debt is described in the Pentateuch as a form of slavery.
  13. There are no by-lines in the Bible, so it was left to scholars a century ago to identify the hidden signatures behind the Pentateuch, the Five Books of the Law, which is the core of the Old Testament.

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