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Перевод: peafowl speek peafowl

павлин ; пава


  1. Despite their elaborate plumage, peafowl are competent fliers and can frequently be seen in trees (right).
  2. Two lynx, sleek and amber in the first enclosure that he passed, were disregarding the tourists and staring possessively at the peafowl across the way.
  3. Peacocks or, to be more correct, Indian peafowl males, fan their many-eyed tails in display not only at peahens but at almost any creature that passes.
  4. Peafowl have been domesticated and valued as a special food dish for the rich since Roman times!
  5. If the theory is correct, the females in a species like peafowl must prefer those males with the most exaggerated tails.
  6. Probably the greatest dandy in the world of birds, the male Indian peafowl (left).

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