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Перевод: pearly speek pearly

жемчужный; похожий на жемчуг; украшенный жемчугом; жемчужного цвета


  1. Cos you'll roll right past those pearly gates
  2. So now Maggie was not afraid of the dark, even though the great windows exposed her to the full moon and turned her own skin white and pearly - a reflection of reflected light.
  3. He had discarded his uniform and wore his best suit, a light pearly grey, with a brightly-coloured necktie, and a rose in his buttonhole.
  4. Now, do you see that pearly thickening?"
  5. The whole Plaza was ablaze with floodlighting, and big globes of pearly lamps hung in every arcade.
  6. As Dogs Today readers know, poor Des has had buckets to cope with in his short life and can be a bit free "n" easy with his pearly whites.
  7. They are orangey-pink in colour with a pearly, opalescent top.
  8. Space there might have been in the Ark - but no dogs were allowed behind the pearly gates.
  9. And it's five, six, seven, open up the pearly gates.
  10. To set off the blues, I used white Shasta daisies, white bergenias and the silver foliage of pearly everlasting, Anaphalis cinnamomea .
  11. The well-shaped nails were a pearly plum colour this time.
  12. The Kings did not need to be at their pearly best to win 111-77.
  13. And the damp Meadows shone with pearly Dew;

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