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Перевод: peaty speek peaty

торфяной; похожий на торф


  1. Peaty podzols or peaty gleys occupy the mounds and steeper slopes.
  2. Cameron turned off down a churned, peaty track towards the wooden roofs and palings of the sawmill.
  3. By contrast there were lots of walkers on our next top which beckoned beyond the shallow, peaty col that separates the two hills.
  4. Moderately rocky land having peaty soils and comprising about 25 per cent of the Outer Hebrides is especially extensive on South Uist, eastern Benbecula, north of the Harris mountains and on the metasedimentary rocks in South Harris.
  5. The shallow, stony sandy loam till carries a wide range of soil types, including brown forest soils on well-drained knolls, and noncalcareous or peaty gleys in the hollows.
  6. Mine comes from peaty moorland and the pH is too low with the result that over the years copper pipework corrodes in places, especially at low points.
  7. The soils are mainly peaty gleys and peaty rankers with some peaty podzols on drier sites.
  8. Cirsium rivulare is a thistle from central and Eastern Europe and neighbouring Russia, where it grows in wet, especially peaty soils.
  9. Peaty gleys have no free calcium carbonate in the upper mineral horizons of the profile.
  10. Drift is largely absent in this terrain, where glacial erosion was severe and the very shallow soils are mainly peaty lithosols and peaty rankers with some peaty gleys or peat in hollows.
  11. The few crags on the steepest ground have associated short scree slopes which, in the well-drained conditions have peaty rankers with well-structured organic horizons.

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