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Перевод: peculation speek peculation

растрата ; казнокрадство


  1. First, there was no public prosecutor at Athens, so like the Roman informers, the delatores , men like the demagogue Kleon took it on themselves to bring prosecutions for such offences as peculation of public money.
  2. The verderers were intended to act as a check upon the paid Forest officers in the interests of the Crown, but the numerous instances already cited of peculation and extortion on the part of the latter seem to indicate that the verderers were in many instances overawed by the authority and influence of the wardens and foresters of fee.
  3. There was opportunity for maladministration in terms of both efficiency and peculation.
  4. In one area - the handling of government money - the boundary between peculation and honest dealing was clearly marked.
  5. Many other Forest wardens were accused of peculation, oppression or neglect.

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