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Перевод: peculiarity speek peculiarity

специфичность ; особенность ; характерная черта; личное качество; св`ойство; странность


  1. A newly-invented spring has been adopted, one peculiarity attached to it being the insertion of a thin hoop of steel within a leathern belt, which has the effect of increasing the power of tension in a very remarkable degree, and rendering the motion of the carriage perfectly easy.
  2. In practice, many species are recognized by having some peculiarity of shape, behaviour, plumage, colour and so on, that reliably set them apart from all other similar species.
  3. He had heard of that brand of peculiarity before.
  4. Peculiars might come anywhere depending on their degree of peculiarity.
  5. The problems arise from a legal peculiarity where the towpath is owned by householders but the fishing rights by the NRA.
  6. Sorella, an enormous woman who brings out Bellow's near-parental tenderness for physical peculiarity.
  7. A peculiarity of the British context - and a possible strength for its future - is that this sort of encouragement may be found without even looking across the English Channel, though generally by looking away from England.
  8. It was a strange physical peculiarity of his.
  9. Again, it is a peculiarity of unfair dismissal law that an industrial tribunal does not have the power to consider the fairness of dismissal where at the time of dismissal the employer was conducting a lockout or the employee was taking part in a strike or other industrial action.
  10. Is the cause a peculiarity of Scaevolan language, or a peculiarity of the transmission of Scaevola's works?
  11. The only beneficial peculiarity of environment was the sense of detachment from the outside world.
  12. "Triploid" varieties of apples and pears are poor suppliers of pollen and, because of a genetic peculiarity, also require two other normal varieties to pollinate their own flowers.

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