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Перевод: pedantry speek pedantry

педантичность ; педантизм


  1. His hatred of the army is shouted from every page, most loudly in a wonderful chapter on "Chickenshit", best defined as "sadistic pedantry".
  2. It always smells of pedantry, and not always of learning.
  3. This is when pomposity and pedantry seem to get off the leash.
  4. This task has often seemed to combine the pedantry of library theory with the incomprehensibility of computer science.
  5. Etymologically, feet are thus associated with pedantry (vain pursuit of learning) or pederasty (sexual abuse of children).
  6. To confine the word to either sense would hardly be possible without pedantry; though, on the one hand, we may agree that a thing which has no owner - a rare event in a civilized country, except in the case of a few things, like wild animals at large - is not property, and, on the other, we may often avoid confusion by using the word "ownership" for the most extensive right which a man can have over material things.
  7. Adam must have got it from him, Lewis sometimes thought, or perhaps (he much later and very bitterly thought) a similar pedantry in Adam was among the things Hilbert liked about him.
  8. THE HOME unions committee in its implacable pedantry refuses to recognise its French Bicentenary selection as Lions.
  9. Jacob Burckhardt sensibly avoids pedantry about a starting date, but stresses the revival of antiquity as a main characteristic of the period.
  10. Some of this undoubtedly derives from Niki's background, which is proper to the point of pedantry and very much old Austria.
  11. During the poet's lifetime the vicar of the town was Thomas Bowles Baker, 1, 576, a classicist whose preaching betrays some pedantry:
  12. Nothing signifies for him, yet he seizes on details with a toneless precision, almost pedantry: when Raskolnikov calls him a gambler he says he is actually a card-sharper.
  13. Leonard could be fastidious to the nth degree in completing his own work - he has always said that he works "one word at a time," and can spend months, even years, in adding finesse to it; he is nevertheless dismissive of anything approaching scholarly exactitude, still more so pedantry.

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