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Перевод: pedestal speek pedestal

основание; база ; цоколь ; пьедестал ; подставка ; подножие; тумба у письменного стола; опорная подкладка; подушка ;
водружать на пьедестал; ставить на пьедестал


  1. There are also differences of detail: for example, on the Lyon coin the pedestal under the figure of Mars is missing, and there is no relief sculpture on the attic below the chariot.
  2. I think it is disturbing for women to have experiences if they have to remain on a pedestal after marriage."
  3. On the pedestal the chiselled inscription from Cicero reads, "he who judges his neighbour should be free from all defects himself."
  4. Layers of impervious shales and grits on a pedestal of Great Scar Limestone, which in turn rests upon impervious Silurian rocks, have created a varied landscape of crags, gorges with fine waterfalls, limestone pavements, streams vanishing and resurfacing and a array of caves second to none in Britain.
  5. She also has a story of how he disappeared during the dress rehearsal of a performance by Miss Webb's pupils, to be found later "in the wings, sitting perched on a pedestal, in a dream world of his own".
  6. They are far from perfect: a gulf appears naturally between their original ideas and their new found pedestal.
  7. He died, and when the time came for his house to be demolished, a window from it was preserved and rebuilt in the park on a pedestal.
  8. Let's face it, possum, there are some who would put me on a pedestal.
  9. The words were hardly uttered when the door of the craft was flung open to reveal a white porcelain pedestal with a wooden seat.
  10. As Fielding jokes: "Margaret Thatcher could put him on a pedestal as a young fucking Tory!"
  11. A broken Roman column lies beside the pool, its mammoth pedestal a reminder of the immensity of history.
  12. Its only aim is to knock the market leader off the pedestal.
  13. He is on an unstable pedestal: considered too powerful because the Fed is too independent, a position fiercely guarded by its chairmen.

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