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Перевод: peeved



  1. "You could have lent it to me ," Paula said, peeved.
  2. "I don't think you've ever told me that!" said Donald, sounding peeved to have elicited an original statement from Henry while on licensed premises.
  3. She thought she had given him a very tricky word, one that he wouldn't yet have learned, and she was peeved that he had succeeded.
  4. For a while, you might find your owner a little peeved at you, but this won't last long and you'll soon be back in favour.
  5. He sifted, somewhat peeved, through the remaining unopened mail.
  6. A stranger to the district, coming over a brow of the hill, would have stopped astonished and perhaps a little peeved to see Ploughman's Lane lying beneath him.
  7. Judging from the tone of Mr.Peavey's letter to your Feedback column, I guess Hartley did get "peeved" over my interview in your March "92 issue.
  8. That makes me a bit peeved, you know: we can serve them, but not mingle with them on the other side.
  9. He was obviously peeved that we'd squared it with the music teacher while he didn't know anything about it.
  10. Morrissey was obviously peeved at The Smiths continued existence as a relatively small "cottage industry".
  11. Now he was peeved because his secretary, whom he had categorized as intelligent, sensible, dedicated, preferred to stay in Norfolk with her lover, a man he despised, rather than follow him to London.
  12. On March 21st, exasperated by James Capel's performance but also peeved that it was seeking a fresh (Japanese) parent, Hongkong Bank forced Capel's popular chairman, Mr Peter Quinnen, to resign.
  13. I was sad and angry that he should want to place a bolt and go so radically against the grain; sympathetic with Dave's strong conviction; peeved that my own route - Centrefold - had been usurped.

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