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Перевод: pensioner speek pensioner

пенсионер ; наемник ; студент, оплачивающий обучение и содержание


  1. A 29-year-old pensioner."
  2. The switch had been spotted by a sharp-eyed pensioner out for a stroll.
  3. Hero pet rescues pensioner
  4. Because I'd passed the magical sixty years of age mark, I was now officially an old-age pensioner and that apparently made me technically "vulnerable" under the provisions of the Homeless Persons Act.
  5. PENSIONER Ivy Groves was down in the mouth yesterday - because Government red tape will leave her without false teeth for weeks.
  6. It is indeed, to some extent, a loss situation, and given society's reverence, however misplaced, for earning power as a barometer of social status, it is hardly surprising that the change in role from breadwinner to pensioner comes as a bitter blow in many cases.
  7. If you are likely to be disconnected contact your local electricity shop and tell them you are a pensioner.
  8. DETECTIVES trying to fill in gaps in the "missing 23 hours" of murdered pensioner Doris Shelley have issued hi-tech photofits of two men they want to interview.
  9. Pensioner's incomes
  10. A PENSIONER who kept 84 dogs in her house told a court yesterday she had no reason to live if her "bairns" were taken away.
  11. Bird cage and stand, good condition please, for pensioner."
  12. Not the time or the place to expect a violent gang attack on a pensioner.
  13. Pensioner Jenkins, of Grangetown, Cardiff, grew the drug on the balcony of his towerblock flat.

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