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Перевод: pentagon speek pentagon

пятиугольник ; пентагон ; американская военщина


  1. "Clearly," he said to himself, "Each T on this ball is regular and of the same dimensions as each and every other T. Clearly also, each and every pentagon is regular and the same size as each and every other pentagon."
  2. Despite the prototype's success, the project (a targeting system) was suspended was suspended by the Pentagon.
  3. Pentagon figures for Panamanians killed during the invasion and the fighting that followed is less than 300.
  4. Sources inside Panama insist that the Pentagon used the invasion to test new high-tech weaponry, including lasers, under battlefield conditions.
  5. Made with the full support of the Pentagon, Wings Of The Apache is a standard-issue Top Gun recruiting movie which features helicopters rather than jets and drug barons rather than Reds, but keeps the gung-ho militarism and the aerial camera acrobatics.
  6. Unlike Mengele, a freelance monster exploiting opportunities only the Nazis could give him, and unlike Teller, so openly fronting for the Pentagon, our anonymous scientist would acknowledge his dreadful error, his responsibility.
  7. Even the canal is owned by the Pentagon, still a state-run company in an era of privatisation.
  8. "Thatcherism, the developers,, the City, the multi-nationals, the Pentagon, the international arms industry," big breath, "the whole military industrial complex!" she yells.
  9. The reaction of a Pentagon spokesman to the remark was first an incredulous "What?" then laughter.
  10. But some observers believe that what tipped the balance was a belief in the Pentagon that the management of the Lockheed-Boeing-General Dynamics team was stronger.
  11. It laid to rest the charges of unreliability and less-than-advertised performance that have long dogged the Pentagon.
  12. By the third day of the war, Pentagon officials boasted of being able to drop as much as 5,000 tons of bombs a day on Baghdad - double the amount dropped by Allies during the 1945 bombing of Dresden.
  13. David Fairhall adds: The regular Panamanian forces, not all of whom opposed the American intervention according to the Pentagon, were vastly outnumbered by US troops.

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