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Перевод: pentameter speek pentameter



  1. Easthope acknowledges that the pentameter line had qualities which made it more resourceful than the older accentual metre, since one could achieve a great range of poetic effects by counterpointing intonation against metre, which is what nearly all the major English poets have done, though supposedly imprisoned in this bourgeois strait-jacket.
  2. His villain is the iambic pentameter, often seen as basic to English poetry, but according to Easthope an alien and bourgeois importation, brought in by Chaucer, to the detriment of the truly native measure of the four-beat-line with a varying number of syllables, found in the old alliterative verse.
  3. It is written in basic pentameter with exactly ten stressed syllables in every single line.
  4. We might begin to think so if we reflected that in parlour games the rules never change, and then noticed that this year the most accomplished of our poets in their forties published, sixty years after Pound's Lustra and Eliot's Prufrock , an ambitious poem in the shape of fifteen interlinked pentameter sonnets.
  5. From the Renaissance onwards, metrical repression reigns: "Once established as national poetic institution pentameter becomes a hegemonic form."
  6. Easthope concedes, "Spoken performance of pentameter is accordingly open to variation in a way accentual verse is not", and this points to the massive lacuna at the heart of his book.
  7. He goes much further, in taking Pound's phrase about the need to break the pentameter, and projects it back over six hundred years of English poetry.
  8. Only in our century has relief come, when modernist poetry, particularly pound's Cantos , breaks away from the pentameter.
  9. For example, in Cureton's analysis of iambic pentameter in Chapter 5, all lines metrically begin weak-strong-weak, even those having what is traditionally called a reversed first foot.
  10. Despite his metrical conservatism (his strenuous handling of the pentameter is surely surprising and admirable) and his unfashionable addiction to the grand manner and the high style, Allen Tate was certainly a modernist; that is what he was thought to be, and it is how he conceived of himself.
  11. "Maybe it's the pentameter," said Luke.
  12. There is no mention at all of Elizabethan poetic drama, where the pentameter line is used with increasingly greater freedom and flexibility.
  13. The last three of its nine pentameter quatrains read thus:

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