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Перевод: peon speek peon

поденщик ; пеон ; батрак ; пехотинец ; полицейский ; вестовой


  1. We got about six sentences too deep in our conversation for her to institute personal questions about my background, without appearing offensive (she had to treat me as a person now and not a peon), even for Asians who delight in asking pertinent questions as to age, income, etc., unthinkable for more backward Europeans.
  2. In the eyes of Louis, his near-drowning had been an act of self-emasculation, a loss of face tumbling him down the social scale to a level little higher than a peon's.
  3. One song reveals the damaging influence on their minds of their sojourn in London: "Soccer Fan" is a peon of praise to Everton's midfield cruncher, Norman Whiteside. l CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT Get Ahead (Mercury) You can tell that Curiosity Killed The Cat haven't been around for some time.

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