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Перевод: perceptual speek perceptual

перцепционный; относящийся к восприятию


  1. This notion was soon abandoned, along with any use of the S-R framework (see, e.g. Gibson and Gibson 1955), to be replaced by the suggestion that perceptual learning can go on quite independently of any associative processes.
  2. "Perceptual learning, then, consists of responding to variables of the physical stimulation not previously responded to" (Gibson and Gibson 1955, p. 34).
  3. The patient with perceptual problems who cannot judge distances should not be allowed to go out alone into situations where he will have to cross roads.
  4. The experiments reviewed in this section do little to advance out understanding of the mechanisms involved (often important control conditions are lacking) but they do allow the conclusion that there is no fundamental difference between the so-called perceptual and motor test tasks in their susceptibility to acquired equivalence/distinctiveness effects.
  5. In their treatment of this theme both Cassirer and Hallowell point out that the crucial link between the inner world of representation and the outer "reality" lies in the human capacity to symbolize percepts; symbolization of events in the perceptual continuum provides the units for a pictorial logic from which the abstraction of grammar eventually emerged as a concomitant of sound production in the development of verbal communication.
  6. To describe self-governed perceptual sequences, Kant gave the example of scanning the front elevation of a building; in doing which we determine what we see and the order in which we see it - roof, front-door, top-left-hand window, and so forth.
  7. The occupational therapist plans suitable activities through which the carer can help the patient to overcome these perceptual problems.
  8. Only by knowing the mechanisms responsible for latent inhibition will we be able to eliminate its effects allowing other forms of perceptual learning to be revealed.
  9. He also showed the children other kinds of illusion in which object's perceptual properties were altered: a white index card behind a blue light-filter for example.
  10. Consciousness of the world comprises a form of re-presentation of the current perceptual input on a mental screen so that a constant awareness of a monitoring process arises.
  11. The transactions of our perceptual, cognitive, and motivational systems occur primarily between ourselves and another.
  12. In its report, the Department of Transport's Air Accident Investigation Branch said the windscreen fitting process was "characterised by a series of poor work practices, poor judgments and perceptual errors, each one of which eroded the factors of safety built into the method of operation".
  13. In fact, in every microsecond of perceptual experience there is a tension between the real as refractory, as something we cannot choose or will, and the subjective as chosen and willed.

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