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Перевод: perch speek perch

насест ; жердь ; высокое положение; прочное положение; дрога ; перч ; веха ; шест ; карниз ; выступ ; окунь ; мера длины;
садиться на насест; сажать на насест; усесться; взгромоздиться; садиться; вскарабкаться; забраться; помещать высоко; опереться


  1. The perch lays eggs around 2mm in diameter in long strings as flat bands or as a meshwork in the vegetation.
  2. It is edited by Perch Fishers Club founder members Steve Burke and Pete Rogers.
  3. "Eejits," he said quietly, as he looked at the bantams roosting on a low perch.
  4. Limped with him back to his tank, fed him, and retrieved the Climbing Perch from my rubber plant.
  5. The cage is made of wire mesh with a sloping floor, and the hens cannot do anything that comes naturally to them, such as stretch their wings, scratch around, dustbathe or perch.
  6. But Seles was forced to leave her comfortable perch on the baseline and attack the net as she fought back to win 3-;6, 6-;4, 6-;1.
  7. But he couldn't, so he climbed to the disabled man's perch, and began a sensitive, confident probe, and discovered quite soon how far the man had progressed, and finished the work, fast and easily.
  8. But Rubberneck wished - for he was a pariah still, how he felt, on his high perch, even when they called his name - that he was down below, in the crush: part of the people.
  9. She showed them the small lake in its ring of reeds, took them to the first slopes of the mountain, rigged up a fishing rod for Michael and took him to the part of the lake she used to fish as a girl, and soon he was shouting out in glee as he missed the ravenous little perch or swung them out over his head on to the bank.
  10. "A lot of clubs are looking to knock us off our perch," he said.
  11. Haplochromis nyereri , named in honour of President Nyerere of Tanzania, was driven to extinction in its native Lake Victoria by the predatory Nile perch.
  12. If we can persuade birds to come and perch on it in a row fairly close together we have obviously made it much easier to see the wire.
  13. Dick Ashby (Banbury Castaways) won with 150 gudgeon and small perch to short pole and blood worm for 2-;10-;8, just ahead of team mate Derek Cullip who caught 2-;8-;8 of small fish on the same method.

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