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Перевод: perfunctory speek perfunctory

поверхностный; невнимательный; небрежный; формальный


  1. the reception of Derrida's work, perhaps more than that of any other recent French thinker, has been marked by an astonishingly casual and unquestioning acceptance of certain extremely condensed - not to say sloganistic - characterisations of the history of Western thought, as if this history could be dismissed through its reduction to a set of perfunctory dualisms.
  2. Mixed exhibitions tend to have rather perfunctory introductions and catalogue entries; the same is often true of exhibitions arranged by groups of artists, though they may have statements of aim or even an artists' manifesto.
  3. Despite the fact that regular maintenance was a statutory requirement and despite some successful legal actions to enforce the statutory provisions, regular dredging and attention to leaks were perfunctory or never carried out at all by canal companies owned by the railways.
  4. They tend to conclude their account with the formation of the National Government, giving ensuing events - in particular, the decision of the National Government to go to the country as a National Government - fairly perfunctory treatment; and this despite the fact that, as Ball rightly claims, "The radical restructuring of British politics after 1931 lies not in the events of 13-;28 August, but in the changing attitudes within the National Government during September and October 1931.'
  5. And the enquiries made by the Viennese authorities seem to have been pretty perfunctory.
  6. As they crossed the broad reach of the Spree at Elsenstrasse, where tugs were crunching through the ice, Erika pointed out what sights there were to see but Karl merely gave a perfunctory nod and returned to his absorbed stare through his window.
  7. Occasionally they gave a perfunctory look up and down the carriage, but they had obviously wilted with the tedium of the journey and the foul air.
  8. Inter-agency activity ranged across a continuum from the perfunctory to the innovative.
  9. A tap on each shoulder, the laying on of a sash, a perfunctory smile, a few words, and it is over.
  10. Omi and the children got perfunctory nods from Marx but he peered intently at Bodo who, massive arms folded, was leaning against the wall.
  11. Goodhart-Rendel writing from the viewpoint of having altered his first plate-glass windowed house, Idsworth (1848-;52), Hampshire, found his elevations conventional and even perfunctory and in our own time even Howard Colvin found that "not a single building stands out as a masterpiece".
  12. "This is a subject on which judges need, and should have, expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence."
  13. For 90 torpid minutes, one didn't know anything - or care about anything - and then the whole thing was unravelled in the most perfunctory fashion.

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