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Перевод: perjury speek perjury

ложное показание под присягой [юр.]; лжеприсяга [юр.] ; лжесвидетельство; вероломство; нарушение клятвы; клятвопреступление


  1. But, on the other hand, they ranged to the equally fervent, though dissatisfied Masden, the Jesuit who described the earlier works as catalogues of the "perfidy, perjury and brazen deeds of Rodrigo Diaz."
  2. Although the failure of the courts to take into account Sri Lankan ideas about status may have led some people to experience injustice, it scarcely explains the extensive perjury and high level of litigation.
  3. Colonial officials put forth two related explanations for the prevalence of perjury.
  4. Perjury is made so complete a business that cases are as regularly rehearsed in all their various scenes by the professional perjurer as a dramatic piece is at a theatre."
  5. Seen in this light, the rampant perjury is explicable.
  6. An explanation of the contradiction between these two themes, the seeming failure of the courts as shown by the consistent and convincing allegations of widespread perjury, and their seeming success as demonstrated by their immense popularity, lies at the heart of this chapter.
  7. J. H. Eaton, a magistrate, declared: "It almost goes without saying that there is hardly a case that comes before our courts, to which the natives are parties, in which this crime perjury is not more or less freely indulged."
  8. To assert that both litigiousness and inappropriate institutions were the causes of perjury was tautological, for the tendency towards litigation was explained by the inappropriate institutions, and the inappropriateness of the institutions by the fact of too much litigation.
  9. Kidder and Mendelsohn, on the other hand, attribute litigiousness and perjury to an exceptional amount of hostility and conflict in South Asian society, but they fail to explain why this aggression was channelled into formal litigation.
  10. The widespread perjury, especially on the part of accusers, demonstrated that government institutions enjoyed little moral authority.
  11. Numerous key Reagan administration figures were indicted for, and some convicted of, major offences ranging from violating federal ethics laws to perjury.
  13. Petition-drawers and outdoor proctors were often regarded with distaste by officials, some of whom blamed them for fostering perjury and false cases.

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