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Перевод: permeable speek permeable

проницаемый; проходимый


  1. Permeable areas usually have only a few streams, but they flow with little variation throughout the year and rarely flood.
  2. It should be noted that it is not always the lower limits of the specification that are involved; ingredients that undergo decomposition do obviously fall but other parameters, such as total solids content, rise as the product ages, if the container is permeable to water vapour.
  3. It can be limited across the whole country or across wide areas liable to suffer in the longer term (for example, on all permeable soils such as on chalk, limestone, sand or sandstone).
  4. This is especially important when an aquifer dips beneath another layer that is much less permeable.
  5. If the membrane is permeable to X, then molecules will pass randomly across it, and the concentration of X will become the same inside and outside.
  6. Thin sandstones within the Mercia Mudstones are usually finer and less permeable.
  7. As well as dilating, the capillaries become more permeable and allow fluid to escape into the tissues, which produces swelling.
  8. AN AQUIFER often lies on top of a layer of less permeable rock.
  9. Permeable zones are also present in the Permian sandstones at Ballymacilroy, and it may be that the degree of cementation at Larne-2 is not typical of the area as a whole.
  10. If the soil is permeable enough radon can diffuse out before it decays.
  11. Overhead and underfoot: water soaks into the ground to collect within an aquifer, where the rock is permeable.
  12. The machairs, however, are coarse-textured, readily permeable and base-rich, and organic matter breakdown under the aerobic conditions and good nutrient supply in the calcareous soils is more rapid.
  13. Such rocks are said to be permeable; sandstones and gravels are good examples of permeable rocks.

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