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Перевод: permeate speek permeate

проникать; проходить сквозь; пропитывать; распространяться


  1. He, along with the artists, masons, carpenters and other craftsmen frequently permeate their work with signs of a love of the task they have undertaken, which leaves the beholder in no doubt that they have given something of themselves over and above the requirements of loyalty to the paymaster and the desire to enjoy applying their crafts.
  2. The "Great Debate" about education had been underway for some time and though it was clear that the curriculum was in need of change, it was less clear how much change should take place at Hinde House, bearing in mind the need for teachers to have ownership of curriculum delivery if higher standards and a wide range of learning experiences were to permeate the whole curriculum rather than making a series of peripheral and ephemeral alterations to an already redundant approach.
  3. First the "internal" solution, will slowly permeate into the fibres, then the "external" one.
  4. Of course, an intentional consequence of any effective training programme should be to permeate ideas and attitudes throughout the working environment via the " day-to-day training which is always going on whether we specifically plan it or not ", not least of all to counteract existing erroneous ideas and/or unwelcome attitudes.
  5. This door was always kept closed so that the strong odours of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, and leather goods should not permeate into the sweet shop.
  6. A "bicycle perspective" must permeate any planning for cyclists.
  7. The code of military behaviour had come to permeate the whole world of knightly behaviour, not just the field of battle.
  8. These negative attitudes permeate decisions about crucial issues such as the allocation of resources, particularly the resources of skilled and experienced staff.
  9. This visitor is himself unable to escape from the sexuality found to permeate even the most intense religious belief.
  10. Only, therefore, when the public come to terms with the nature of mental handicap and break down the barriers of misunderstanding which have existed for centuries, will a real sense of understanding permeate our society.
  11. In light of the heat and humidity that permeate Florida much of the year, you could call the tennis academies that dot the state "Sweat Shops for the Sneaker Set".
  12. If the "closed" style of management described above is already a problem in many schools, then there are a great many more where such a style might permeate the existing decision-making process once delegated budgets are in place.
  13. Some would like the elitist trend to permeate even further, in the form of elite faculties, or even whole elite universities.

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