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Перевод: persona speek persona

персона ; действующее лицо; персонаж ; образ, созданный для публики; имидж


  1. Dury, who says he has problems getting past the RSC doormen, but is "persona grata in the Dirty Duck", is the only man I have ever heard glottal-stop a dead language.
  2. The main grist to the mill of policing was working-class youth, but the perennial conflict between youth and the police is one with ever-changing persona and is not the basis of political conflict.
  3. The persona of "the Watcher", which dominates his best writing, was already being formed: his way forward lay somewhere between social openness and egotistical restlessness.
  4. The change says a lot about the persona he was already being driven into.
  5. He had even been rather touched by The Rat Jacket , that last flare of Cameron's talent, and had been amused by the author's recreation of his Hugh Farnham persona as the intellectual, bullying cop.
  6. SERGEI V. IVANOV, the Russian diplomat declared persona non grata on the eve of All Fool's day was a danger to Britain because he is a purpose built hi-tech spy.
  7. I had always believed everything he did and said to be sincere and genuinely personal, but gradually small cracks began appearing in his carefully constructed persona and well-tended integrity.
  8. What could the sensation of his persona being sucked from one house of flesh and fitted, circuit by circuit, into another possibly feel like?
  9. The author disguised herself as an eighty-year old and reports considerable discrimination in shops and on public transport which disappeared when she returned to the same situations in her normal persona.
  10. No!", looked more like a presenter in search of a Day-like persona than one in control of the show.
  11. It became clear that the shy, sensitive persona previously adopted by Morrissey was a thing of the past.
  12. Persona non grata in Hollywood, he moved to New York, appearing in plays and television, and becoming a well-respected stills photographer; he would return later to make Nicholson a star.
  13. It must be recalled that Marx was using a very abstract model, in which only workers and capitalists appear as economic persona .

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