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Перевод: perspicuous speek perspicuous

ясный; понятный; ясно выражающий свои мысли


  1. Or is this perhaps a product of the over-excited brain of a middle-aged and somewhat disparaged poet, when he finds that his ignored, his arcane, his deviously perspicuous meanings, which he thought not meanings, since no one appeared able to understand them, had after all one clear-eyed and amused reader and judge?
  2. Some individualists defend their view on the grounds that it not only provides simpler, more detailed and more perspicuous explanations than its rival, but that it is also morally superior to holism.
  3. Self-conscious clarity about our epistemic methods, in that case, would require a perspicuous representation of the characteristics of the forms of discourse in question.
  4. The ideas of the author became more and more perspicuous and digested as his enquiries advanced.
  5. The graphical nature of the Chart allows all the results (complete and partial paths) to be represented in a perspicuous manner.
  6. If it had, where was it, what jewels of information about Ash's "ignored, arcane, deviously perspicuous meanings" might not be revealed by it?
  7. First, there is a demand for a clear and complete self-consciousness about what we are doing when we form beliefs about the world - a philosophical account of knowledge provides a perspicuous account of knowledge which means that we pursue inquiries knowing what we are doing, knowing why it is rational to proceed as we do, and understanding how we can obtain knowledge.
  8. What we need is a perspicuous representation of our use of the word "remember", and of how we come to use words like "yesterday".
  9. Manner: Be perspicuous.
  10. Once the problem of holism is construed in this fashion, it can readily be unshackled from the various questions surrounding the idea of determinism; and at the same time, there becomes available a more perspicuous account of the notion of autonomy on which the individualist case depends.
  11. Secondly, can a naturalized epistemology provide the perspicuous self-conscious understanding of inquiry which we saw, in the last section, to lie behind some traditional theorizing - can he cope with normative issues and questions of justification?
  12. We are confirmed in our impression that line A is not perspicuous by the fact that a modern version like NIV finds it necessary to offer an expanded rendering: Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires (my italics).
  13. There are other elements in Campbell's thought: he seems to think that the most perspicuous model of the mind to employ in understanding human knowledge sees the mind as embodying a structured hierarchy of functionally characterized capacities, each of which works in a way analogous to natural selection; and he defends his view as part of a (reductive) explanation of how the capacities comprising human rationality have evolved.

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