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Перевод: persuasion speek persuasion

убеждение; уговор ; убедительность ; мнение; религиозные убеждения; вероисповедание; секта ; группа ; компания ; сорт


  1. In the late afternoon the Committee pulled its favourite form of persuasion: it went into secret session, with a direction that if he didn't sing in secret he could expect to be jailed for contempt of Congress (i.e. the committee).
  2. According to this argument, the Soviet Union could join forces (either through persuasion or through a military takeover) with other important metals producers, in southern Africa for example.
  3. In Scandinavia, with their mixed economies, money is always available, after a bit of persuasion, from both local and central government.
  4. We were late in introducing this concept: it took me three years of persuasion for politicians to accept the idea.
  5. He wanted somebody else to have done the persuasion and taught her a thing or two first.
  6. If a resident is bothered by a noisy plant he normally must persuade his local authority's environmental health department to take action which, if friendly persuasion fails, end up ultimately in the magistrates court.
  7. The sediment created during second fermentation is composed of various waste-products, several types of which possess a sticky character; to encourage these more cohesive particles to descend to the base of the cork requires a certain amount of physical persuasion and, as a result, a method of supplying this encouragement, remuage , was developed.
  8. The qualities to look for in an agent are integrity, power of persuasion and an active ambition to succeed.
  9. Rather, he was able to use his considerable personal appeal and powers of persuasion to convince others to take his line.
  10. I was partly convinced by Culler's power of persuasion, and for some time thought that the kinds of analysis he described could be assimilated to practical criticism and the English synthesis.
  11. Conscious that British audiences were almost wholly uninterested in British films, some members of the industry increased their efforts to secure through persuasion and publicity what the films so patently could not.
  12. In September of that year, he had taken a high line with Henry VIII, letting him trundle up to York only to gaze north at an empty road, for James, probably at the persuasion of his council, failed to keep his appointment with the English king.
  13. Writers of an egalitarian liberal persuasion often join libertarian liberals in applauding the same sentiments, different though their interpretation of them usually is.

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