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Перевод: perturb speek perturb

смущать; приводить в смятение; тревожить; беспокоить; обеспокоить; волновать; возмущать; нарушать


  1. In Class II species the centers perturb each other but the sites remain distinct, while in Class III species the sites are indistinguishable and electron delocalization is effectively complete.
  2. The September night was hot and humid but it did not perturb Constance as she struggled through the crowds of noisy, gesticulating passengers purposefully carrying cardboard boxes, mattresses and crates of chickens down the long platform.
  3. The methodology is operationalized in a macro which calls a separate program to perturb the input data without changing the topology.
  4. That it was also wicked did not greatly perturb her.
  5. But they don't perturb him in the least."
  6. and cite reports that binding of gp120 to CD4 in vitro can perturb immune cell functions.
  7. Perturb the arc data for the coverages, preserving polygon topology;
  8. They would perturb the metal glass interface, imposing a shallow largescale dimple pattern on the resulting glass sheet.
  9. (2) As one approaches the nucleus, the energy input from an explosive event required significantly to perturb the flow of gas dwindles.
  10. He had a reputation for being a bit slow-witted but it didn't perturb him in the least.
  11. Other planets attract Mercury and perturb its orbit so that the long axis of the ellipse slowly rotates in its plane with respect to the frame of the distant galaxies.
  12. The process didn't perturb him for the simple reason that it didn't repel Willie.
  13. Despite a diary mix-up, my unexpected arrival on a Saturday did not perturb him in the slightest.

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